"Yomiuri Shimbun" international competitiveness of Japan, a high evaluation at the 6-position emerged ... innovation. "
World Economic Forum on March 9 to preside over the political and business people from around the world gather "Davos", it announced the 2010 version of the report on the international competitiveness of each country and region.
1 Switzerland for the second consecutive year, in '09 to retreat at the 4-position from the United States second place fell from the top spot. Japan raised two ranks from the previous year in sixth place.
The reason why Japan has emerged, but the forum is "such as technological innovation is highly valued. huge fiscal deficits is not improved competitiveness as a whole in the negative material, other countries also budget deficit is a serious relatively Japan I explained the ranking went up, "he said. (Koryaku) "
The other day, the World Economic Forum has announced a report on the international competitiveness of each country and region. Although Japan is a translation rose to sixth place from last year's eighth place, when the "news that Japan has been evaluated" in this hand came out, as you know, coverage attitude of Japan newspapers is is not very interesting .
When you advance written, Yomiuri Shimbun indeed, Asahi Shimbun, Nikkei Shimbun, Sankei Shimbun, and Mainichi Shimbun, all large letter "normally" had been reported. In referred to as "normal" here, there to say that the color manner normally of newspapers. People leisure, I think interesting not understand newspapers color of the Yomikuraberu.
Nikkei http://www.nikkei.com/news/headline/article/g=96958A9C9381959FE2EAE2E6888DE2EBE2EBE0E2E3E29C9CE2E2E2E2
Mainichi http://mainichi.jp/select/world/europe/news/20100909k0000e020057000c.html
Sankei Shimbun http://sankei.jp.msn.com/economy/finance/100909/fnc1009091342015-n1.htm
Asahi Shimbun http://www.asahi.com/international/reuters/RTR201009090083.html
However, as up to this kind of news will be "dark ~ Lee feelings", or you can press to honor "that country", "that newspaper with that newspaper" is, it is pretty amazing. This too? Will a kind of talent. Or Will it "this way" not only write. I do not know.
By the way, the ranking of the main was the countries as follows (() in the previous year ranking)
1 (1) Switzerland
2 (4) Sweden
3 (3) Singapore
4 (2) United States
5 (7) Germany
6 (8) Japan
7 (6) Finland
8 (10) Netherlands
9 (5) Denmark
10 (9) Canada
22 (19) South Korea
27 (29) China
51 (49) India
58 (56) Brazil
63 (63) Russia
83 (71) Greece
By the way, but is not a Japanese newspaper, "US competitiveness is further reduced fourth place, -WEF to stay in Japan 10th place in the" in the strange title, Japan what place of the after all, the same rank from last year Do not write or change was the, that was a strange news Bloomberg.
"Bloomberg" US competitiveness is further reduced fourth place, -WEF to stay in Japan 10th place in the "
http://www.bloomberg.co.jp/apps/news?pid=90920011&sid=aWzW4y8EylnE "
I'm not necessarily want separately to "find fault", but in an article that the Japanese ranking toll that became the "8th ⇒6 place", would not be heading "remain within Japan 10th place".
Moreover, because not write the order, even in the article is a feeling that "somehow I wish ...".
Tomorrow, as well as look after entering the contents of this "The Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011", and I would like to think about "the competitiveness of Japan".
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